FIRE - Fitness begins today! Workout at home with EASY30.
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begins today.

Results start with EASY30

30 minutes everyday.

6 days a week.

Your time. Your pace. Your place.

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Practice An Affirmation

Deep sleep

Practice Deep Sleep

Each FIRE subscription comes with

  • EASY30 workout videos
  • Your own personal nutrition coach
  • Customized eating plan
  • Tasty & healthy recipes
  • Daily affirmation videos
  • Deep sleep meditation video
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Designed for everyone.
Personalized for you!

Subscription Pricing

₹1500/30 days

16% discount

Experience FIRE

₹3000/90 days

33% discount

Most Popular

₹9000/365 days

50% discount

Super Saver

Each plan comes with exclusive access to

  • EASY30 workout videos
  • Your own personal nutrition coach
  • Customized eating plan
  • Access to the FIRE tribe
  • Tasty and healthy recipes
  • Daily affirmation videos
  • Deep sleep meditation video

Why members love FIRE

See what other Firestarters have to say.

Tiasa Ray

Musician & Artist

FIRE has changed the game. Simple yet effective workouts at the comfort of home. My body became toned. I feel so energized & inspired. Love it!

Anshul Aggarwal

Software Engineer

Learnt so many things about my body, and I feel fitter than ever! Finally found a workout program that's perfect for me.

Salman Sam

Actor & Dancer

Fitness + Motivation + Personalized Coaching. I love my FIRE subscription! Fun workouts, designed to make you fall in love with working out

Satavisha Bhaduri

Mom & Homemaker

Being a mom is a full time role. And you need a workout program that is fast & effective! That's why I love EASY30. 30 mins and I am done!

Karan Jindal

Entrepreneur & FIRE Founder

The idea of EASY30 came from my personal experience. We wanted to make fitness fun & easy. I love the EASY30 workouts! Hope you love it as well.

Preeti Acharya

FIRE Trainer & Advisor

The perfect beginner level workout program! Super effective workouts, meditations, personal nutrition plans & coaching. With FIRE you get it all!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is FIRE?

FIRE (derived from fitness & results) is a fitness & wellness brand that offers fun at home workouts, personalized meal plans, daily affirmations, deep sleep meditations, weekly recipes and 24/7 coach & community support to help you achieve your goals. At FIRE we believe that fitness begins from within. Therefore all our plans have 4 aspects in common - Fun workouts, relaxing meditations, personalized eating plans & 24/7 personal coach support! We believe that you have the FIRE to achieve any goal you set your mind to.

What is EASY30?

EASY30 is our flagship at home workout program. EASY30 is a beginner to intermediate level, no-equipment, at home workout program designed for people who have never worked out before, or for people who are looking to restart their fitness journey. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, burn fats, feel more confident, get stronger, or just enjoy a fun workout, EASY30 is the program for you. It is a 30 minutes a day, 30 day program, that you can repeat over and over till you master it!

What all is included in my FIRE subscription?

Every FIRE subscription comes with unlimited access to our workout programs, daily affirmations, deep sleep meditation, personalized eating plan, personal coach, fun recipes and support from our community of firestarters! Our mission is to create a world class fitness brand that helps you with the right workouts, right nutrition, right mindset and awesome support to help you achieve all your health & wellness goals. Fitness begins today. Results begin today. Fire begins today.

What kind of results can I expect?

At FIRE we believe that change is never a linear progression. Change takes time. Results take time. All our plans are designed to help you with permanent, and long lasting results. We hope to inspire you with the right mindset, and skills to be fit for life and adopt fitness as a long term lifestyle. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, our plan is designed to help you lose 1% of your body weight in a week. So if your current weight is 70 kgs, and you want to reach 65 kgs, you can achieve your goal in about 7 weeks, and then follow our maintenance plan to maintain it, or take up a new fitness goal!

I have never worked out before. Can I do EASY30?

Off-course you can. EASY30 is a beginner to intermediate level, no-equipment, at home workout program designed for people who have never worked out before, or for people who are looking to restart their fitness journey. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle, burn fats, feel more confident, get stronger, or just enjoy a fun workout, EASY30 is the program for you. It is a 30 minutes a day, 30 day program, that you can repeat over and over till you master it!

How long are the workouts?

EASY30 workouts are 30 minutes a day. They are scientifically designed to get you best results in the least amount of time. We know how busy you are, and how many commitments you have. Working out with EASY30 for just 30 minutes everyday is fun, and easy! You can follow the program at your time, your pace and your place.

What kind of equipment is required?

EASY30 is a no equipment workout program. You don't need any weights. You can just workout at home or any place convenient with a mat, towel and bottle of water. We plan to come up with other workout programs soon. If there is a requirement for equipment for those programs, it will be mentioned explicitly.

What type of workouts are there in EASY30?

EASY30 consists of no equipment beginner to intermediate level workouts focussing on different muscle groups. Workouts are divided into upper body, core, lower body and cardio. All EASY30 moves are a blend of compound movements, high intensity interval training, and body weight resistance training to give you a good burn in just 30 minutes every day. There is a simplifier given for high impact moves which allows you to reduce the impact while still keeping the intensity high. Each move is designed as per AMRAPS, as many reps as you can. The idea is that you find your level, and gradually increase the reps and intensity to reach your peak performance.

What are the mindset, eat, sleep aspects of FIRE apart from the workouts?

At FIRE we believe in a holistic approach to fitness. We believe you can truly be happy and healthy, when you have a positive mindset, have proper sleep, have good nutrition and have great community support. So all FIRE plans come with 3 features along with the workouts. You get daily affirmations and deep sleep meditations to improve your lifestyle. You get personalized eating plans and fun recipes based on your dietary preferences. You get personal coaching and community support to share your journey. Overall you get a complete lifestyle plan designed to make you win in your fitness journey.

Who are the experts?

FIRE has been created after years of research by fitness experts and enthusiasts. Our coaches are certified from global institutions in fitness, strength, conditioning, lifestyle coaching, weight loss, yoga, animal flow, herbalism and many other fields. We are an integrated team that works together to offer you years of experience and knowledge to be the best possible version of yourself.

Can I do FIRE at home?

Off-course FIRE is an at home workout program. You can do it at your time, your pace & your place. You can do it at home, outside at a park, in your office, or even in a gym. All you need is a phone, tab, TV or any other device and an internet connection to stream the videos.

Can I do FIRE if I have a gym membership?

Yup you can! Carry your phone to your gym, and do the workouts!

Can I still take part in other fitness activities?

Off-course. The more active you are the better. FIRE’s workouts are short and result oriented giving you plenty of time in a day to play a sport, go for a run, or do any other activities that you are passionate about.

When can I start?

There’s no better day than today! Go to my plan, select from 1 month, 3 month or 1 year subscription and start today. In terms of value the 1 year subscription offers great value as you get almost a 50% off on the pricing, and tons of other member benefits.

Do you have a community page I can access?

Yes we want to build an exclusive community of passionate firestarters and help them achieve their goals. While the community might be small right now because we are just starting, you will still get a lot of benefits from being a part of it! Visit this link to join our facebook community -

What exercise level should I choose?

You will get a workout schedule when you subscribe to your EASY30 plan. The schedule recommends 4 workouts in the first week, 5 workouts in the second week, 6 workouts. in the third week and 7 workouts in the fourth week. This progresses gradually as you repeat the program and improve your strength and flexibility. But we believe that everyone’s fitness journey is different and everyone’s body is different. It takes more time for some people to progress, and less time for others. So incase you feel that you need to stick to week 1 level for longer, you can do it! You should move to the next level, only when you feel comfortable with the first week level.

What meal plan options are there?

The meal plan is designed taking your age, weight, dietary preferences (vegetarian, non-vegetarian, vegan, jain, pescetarian), lifestyle, work routine, pre-existing health conditions, and your health goals. Our coaches calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and your BMI, and basis that recommend an eating plan for you. The eating plan consists of your health statistics, your planned progress, a detailed calorie wise grocery list, 100’s of meal options, do’s and don’ts and actionable insights to help you achieve your goals.

What are the 31 “I am affirmations” that are part of FIRE?

An affirmation is a powerful and beautiful reminder of how strong you are. In neurological science, it is said that your brain believes what it is told repeatedly. So if you tell yourself “I can do anything I set my mind to”, your brain will believe it. At FIRE we have created 31 affirmations for each day of the month. Each affirmation is about 2 minutes long. We recommend practicing the affirmations in the morning every day, and follow them as a mantra throughout the day.

What is deep sleep meditation?

At FIRE we love sleep. Our body produces critical human growth hormones in a state of deep sleep, and we are committed to offer you the best sleep possible so that you wake up everyday with renewed energy and vigour. Every FIRE subscription comes with a 30 minute deep sleep meditation that is scientifically designed to remove 3 fold tension in your body - muscular, emotional and mental. While muscular tension is easy to remove, emotional and mental tensions are more deep rooted. FIRE’s deep sleep meditation, is designed to help you relax completely and put you in a state of deep sleep. The recommended practice is to listen to the deep sleep meditation while lying down on the bed when you go to sleep.

How many recipes will I get?

The FIRE and EASY30 eating plan has 100’s of meal options for you. Additionally as part of your FIRE subscription you will get one new recipe every week which you can make at home. All our recipes are fun, easy to make, take very little time, require very few ingredients, and super-nutritious and delicious. We will notify you every week whenever a new recipe is uploaded.

Will I get a personal coach?

Yes! When you subscribe to FIRE you will be assigned a personal coach within 24 hours. Your coach will be available to you over whatsapp and email throughout the duration of the subscription. The coach will design your personalized eating plan, track your progress and make suggestions as and when necessary. Our coaches are certified from global institutions in fitness, strength, conditioning, lifestyle coaching, weight loss, yoga, animal flow, herbalism and many other fields. We are an integrated team that works together to offer you years of experience and knowledge to be the best possible version of yourself.

What kind of support is there?

You will get instant support from your coach and our team on any query you may have. You will also get access to our community page of firestarters which will be a closed group where you can share progress and journeys!

Will I have to follow a strict diet?

Will I get cheat meals? Will my dietary preferences be followed? At FIRE we don’t believe in the concept of a diet. Instead we believe in a holistic lifestyle change. Your FIRE coach will create a personalised eating plan for you that will take into account lots of different parameters like your age, weight, dietary preferences (vegetarian, non-vegetarian, vegan, jain, pescetarian), lifestyle, work routine, pre-existing health conditions, and your health goals. You will get options for cheat meals, snacks, and 100’s of meal options. You will also get different approaches which you can follow to achieve your goals! We believe that we have created one of the most scientifically advanced and personalised eating plan, that you will love and will want to make a part of your life forever.

Am I too young/old?

You can never be too young or old to workout! All our workouts are designed for all age groups from 13-60. They are fun workouts which can be done by all people irrespective of their age and fitness levels. Also every workout has simplifiers which gives you an option to increase or decrease the intensity as per your fitness levels. If you are concerned, please feel free to have a chat with us before commencing.

I have a pre-existing condition / injured/ breastfeeding / pregnant. Can I still join FIRE?

We recommend you have a chat with your physician before starting your FIRE journey. You can also consult our coaches, and we would be more than happy to guide you!

How safe is my personal information?

Very! FIRE’s personal information policy is stronger than the whole team put together :) We will not share your data with anyone. We comply with all the policies mandated by the Government of India. You can read our privacy policy here

Can I stream the workouts on a TV screen?

Off-course! TV, tab, phone, you can stream the workouts anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. For streaming the workouts on a TV, just use a connector to connect the TV to your laptop and you are sorted.

How much of my data will playing FIRE’s videos use?

FIRE’s videos adapt to the speed of your internet connection and our technology is designed to optimize on your data usage.

How do I upgrade a subscription? J

Just go to my plan, and upgrade your subscription. You can select from 1 month, 3 month or 1 year subscription. In terms of value the 1 year subscription offers great value as you get almost a 50% off on the pricing, and tons of other member benefits.

Will I keep getting charged month on month?

Nope, you just have to pay once.

Can I get a refund if I cancel my FIRE subscription in the middle?

We don’t offer refunds or credits if you want to cancel your subscription in the middle, or for accidental purchases, medical conditions or any similar reason or event. We recommend that you do proper research before purchasing a FIRE subscription or consult us. You can read our terms and conditions here.

I am trying to sign up but my email id is already registered. What to do?

Don’t worry, this means you already have a FIRE account. You can either login, or if you don’t remember your password, you can click on the forgot password option.

I forgot my password. How to reset it?

Click on forgot password option and we will send you an email on how to reset your FIRE account password.

I didn’t receive the email to reset my password. What to do?

Sometimes the emails might go in the spam or junk folder. We request you to check those folders, and mark the emails as not spam, so that they land in your inbox next time.

I can’t log in. What to do?

Don’t worry either you don't have an account or you forgot your password. If you don't have an account, you can create it, and if you forgot your password you can reset it. If you still need more help you can write to us at or whatsapp us at +919289040910.

I need more help.

We are always happy to help. You can write to us at or whatsapp us at +919289040910 and our team will reach out to you within 24 hours.

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